
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why Germany?

God had been working in our hearts for missions for quite some time. Both of us searched and prayed for God's leading. Jim participated in short-term missions trips in South Africa, Belgium and Germany, while Sarah planned trip after trip including hopeful locations such as Brazil, Peru, Bangeldesh, Israel and finally, was able to actually participate in a short-term missions trip to Germany. These were only some of the events that led to a final decision to pursue Germany as our full-time mission field. Jim's interest was sparked before his trip to Germany while associating with the missionary families of Charles Ellis and Tim Brudtkuhl. These meetings led him to make his trip to Germany a survey trip in order to better evaluate this option. At this point, we were still dating. It wasn't until we actually spent time in Germany where God confirmed us and Germany in our heart.

We believe God has called us to Germany to serve Him in the capacity of a Church Planting Missionary Family. Our burden for the country and its people grow each time we present our ministry to churches and each time we meet with the missionaries currently serving in Germany.

Our focus during this time is upon God's faithfulness. He Who Promised is Faithful.

Where in Germany will You be Serving?

Wonderful news and an answer to prayer!

God has clearly led us to decide on joining Tim and Shelli Brudtkuhl in the city of Berlin.

Thank you for your prayers as we sought God's will in this for the past year and a half! God is so good! We eagerly anticipate arriving in Berlin someday to serve with the Brudtkuhls.

When Are You Leaving?

Our goal is to be boarding a plane sometime during the Fall of 2012.

We are trusting God. We believe His provision will carry us through from this moment forward. It may be sooner or later, but nonetheless, God, Jehovah Jireh, will provide.

Do You Speak German?

Not yet! Not completely. And if we do, it's very elementary.

We're working on it, though. Whenever we get the chance, we listen to CD's that have you "listen and repeat, listen and repeat." That has been helpful. We also have computer software that utilizes memory games and the like to help with vocab. There is also the possibility of personal tutoring from national Germans that we know here in the states.

We believe that learning the language is a HUGE priority. That's why we are glad it's a prerequisite to spend the first year of our first term completely immersed in language study. At that point, we will learn the dialect spoken in the area where we will be serving. Northern and Southern Germany both speak German, but have different dialects. We hope to learn enough now to help curb some of the learning difficulties in the future, but we don't want to learn too much of one dialect only to find ourselves having to re-learn something totally different when we arrive.