
Monday, July 11, 2011

Pastor Janke says . . .

Dear Pastor:

It is with great pleasure that I recommend the Engles to you. I have known Jim for over ten years. My first experience with him was during the time I served as an instructor at Northland International University and then more recently in my current role as a Pastor.
As a student, I found Jim to be a teachable individual who had a desire to understand truth and pursue God’s will for his life. Jim also attended Grace Baptist Church where I was serving in a leadership capacity. Jim was faithfully involved in the ministries of the church and often helped behind the scenes with many projects.
Upon his graduation, Jim attended Faith Baptist Bible College to pursue further education. During this time, Jim became a part of our church family, driving almost an hour to be involved. Our people quickly bonded with Jim as he displayed a humble spirit and kind attitude. It was normal to find out Jim had helped someone who needed something fixed around their property or that he simply offered a helping hand with farm chores. He was faithful in ministering in our services as well, helping out however he was needed. His teaching was personal, text based, and well received by our folks. I learned from his teaching as God used him in my life.
My observation of Jim is that he is a person who is committed to being accurate with God’s Word and desires to communicate its truth to others. He is not one who quits in difficult circumstances but continues forward, trusting God’s plan and provision. Our church family has been excited to be one of the first to support the Engles and we look forward to seeing how God will use them in Germany.

Walking in His Grace,
Rev. John Janke
Senior Pastor
211 W. 13th Street
Tama, IA 52339
Serving Christ for God’s glory and others’ good.

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